Was Savile working alone?

Looking over the incidents of the last few weeks, it is interesting to see how the “Savile connection” has developed. Was he the key that unites large scale abuse and paedophile rings or was he just a dirty old pervert picking up teenage girls through his celebrity?

Any red blooded male…

Initially, Savile was exposed as someone who groomed and assaulted under-age teenage girls.  Reasons mooted for him “getting away with it” were that in the 70’s and 80’s there was a peculiar acceptance of older men being sexually attracted to “jail bait” girls.  It was an era of sexy schoolgirls, pubescent lolitas and teen groupies, it was claimed.

Whoops! He likes boys too…and the disabled

When the abuse appeared wider, as more victims came forward, it transpires that he abused much younger children. Focus then switched to Savile’s connections to hospitals, children’s homes and Broadmoor.  Friends of Savile started to be checked out.

Crikey. Now he’s a pimp!

Eventually, the dots were getting joined up.  Savile’s nephew came forward and spoke of sex parties featuring the wealthy, famous and influential. There was talk of young girls and boys being shipped in for the sexual use of the guests. It was claimed that Savile sometimes attended with a Priest.

Savile was connected to Haut De Le Garenne, Jersey, where a ring had been exposed, North Wales care homes, where child abuse investigations had taken place, Scottish care homes, Leeds care homes and Kincora in Northern Ireland and further afield.

It now appears that Savile was not only an abuser, but a fixer for others that wanted to abuse. Was he?

Friends of Savile

Who are “friends of Savile” and are they involved?

Savile had royal connections, initially with Prince Phillip and Louis Mountbatten and latterly Prince Charles.  Why didn’t MI6 protect the Royals from such a dodgy connection?

Savile had political connections with Thatcher, Blair, Heath and others. Why did the secret services allow this?

Savile had wide ranging entertainment connections.

Savile had connections with known criminals including the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe. Why?

Savile had connections with senior Doctors and hospital administrators through his charity work. Why weren’t they aware of the abuse when nurses were?

Savile was also connected with a number of care homes and approved schools.

What a tangled web we weave

This leads to a tangled web that could expose very wide spread and organised abuse ring across a large number of organisations.

Northern Ireland:  The Kincora Boys Home abuse included Northern Irish politicians and police, plus other politicians and people of influence and it is claimed that M15 had a hand in it, using photographs and film of abuse to exert pressure and control on key people.

Jersey: The Jersey abuse was hushed up and investigators discredited. Edward Heath had a connection with Jersey as did Savile and it is rumoured that boys were taken out and abused on boats.

North Wales: Victims claim they were sent out on weekend visits to London, amongst other places, where they attended parties and were abused. Were these the same parties that Savile’s nephew refers to?

Surrey: The Duncroft Girl’s home – many reports from ex pupils on Savile’s “days out” where young girls were used sexually.

Then, of late, we have had the link to Tom Watson’s question in parliament that let the rabbit loose on “senior Tories” being part of this abuse ring.

Fudge, Fudge and more Fudge with nuts on top

Why were the Twitter speculations about a Tory Peer, naming the wrong man, out BEFORE the Newsnight programme was aired?

Did the Newsnight Programme actually name the man that has successfully sued the BBC?

Why did Steve Messham apologise to Lord McAlpine publicly when he had not named him publicly?

Why are ITV being sued for Philip Schofield‘s disclosure to Cameron about a list of Tories when McAlpine was not named. There is no evidence that he was even on this list.

Why have slurs about Lord McAlpine and some of his relatives been on the web for years and no action been taken?

Why are people on Twitter being threatened with large fines when they speculated as to who the Tory abuser was? Was Lord McAlpine the only one named? If so, why did they single him out when dozens more were online?

Why did a Policeman allegedly name “McAlpine” to the victim?  Who is this Policeman?

What happened to the polaroid photographs that showed abusers in North Wales raping young boys? Were these the ones that led the policeman that wrongly named named McAlpine to say this to the victim?

Mysterious isn’t it?



Pesky child abuse victims and the vile gossips that support them

Dirty perverts polluting our lives  and destroying the innocent There is a storm brewing over child abuse victims that have been named in the media, Newsnight and on day-time TV.  People have talked about them in blogs and on twitter … Continue reading

Cheerleaders for the Paedophiles – a new series

Watch how the creepy crawlies come out of the rotten woodwork in the media. Gasp in amazement at the comments. See how stupid they must think we are. Breathtaking. In their own words: David Aaronovitch: The unattractive (because complicating) truth … Continue reading

Shhh! There’s a cover-up – haven’t you heard?


Nightmare (Photo credit: Jonas Tana)

Welcome to your nightmare

You’re about 8, had a tough life already. You are placed in a children’s home where you are punched, kicked, abused and then raped, lent out to men like a rent boy and generally treated like an inflatable boy doll. You have enough of this and of seeing it done to other kids, so you try to get out of the nightmare:

1. Despite violence and death threats you summon up all your courage and go to the Police.

2. The police take a statement and show you some pictures. They tell you the name of one of the men you identify. You only know your abusers by their first names (and they might be lying).

3. Nothing much happens. The abuse continues.

4. There’s an enquiry. For some reason, all copies of it are “pulped” and nothing gets out in the public domain. You may or may not get slung a few quid to shut up and go away. You wonder what that was all about.

5. There’s another enquiry. Some years later.  This time you are told to leave out certain names. You are interrogated mercilessly. You break down. Your family falls apart as you do. Your wife kills herself. You are left with a 3 month old baby.   A couple of scape-goats from the home are picked out – they are known paedophiles and off they go to prison for a bit.

6. Nothing much happens for another decade or so. You think you are going crazy. You tried to have a normal life, but this just won’t go away.

7. You speak up again, to a BBC journalist. He takes you seriously. At last – justice!  But for some reason it all goes quiet again.

8. You are going crazy. There are spurious court charges brought against you. Twice. Your house is burgled and your car damaged. Some of the other kids who were abused with you die in unusual circumstances. You are very afraid.

8. Many years later, an MP stands up in Parliament and tells a shocked house that one of the original enquiries needs to be looked at again (the one where you were told  to cut out at least 30% of the abuser’s names). At last – justice?

9. The MP’s try to make it go away again. But the journalists want your story now. You have lots of them chasing you , they even want you to go on TV.

10. You go on TV. You don’t name your abuser. But whoops- someone else does. Weirdly all the news reports later say that you did.

11. A rich, powerful and politically connected man says that he has been wrongly named. Everyone runs for cover. He’s not the man that you saw in the photo all those years ago – but does his name sound a bit like the one the policeman told you?  You are no longer sure of anything.

12. You want the truth to come out. So even though it’s not your fault that this man was named by someone else, you go public and apologise.  You wonder why someone told you that was a good idea?

13. The BBC get it in the neck. A bunch of people resign. People that like Rupert Murdoch cheer loudly and think of ways to jump on the BBC even more!  The BBC run for cover. The news is much more interested in this than the abuse.

14. The Mail on Sunday do a hatchet job on you and try to destroy your credibility. Some of their readers are stupid enough to believe it.

15. The news keeps saying YOU named the powerful man that wants to sue everyone. Even today on the BBC they are saying it.

16. You’re fucked. Again.

17. Justice? A dream, I’m afraid.  It was all a dream.  A living nightmare.

BBC Chairman resigns, Lord McAlpine starts legal action…what next?

George Entwistle resigned yesterday following a hostile grilling from Radio 4’s pet rottweiler John Humphries. The poor man is most likely to be quite relieved as he was put into a ‘damned if you do/damned if you don’t” situation and … Continue reading

Panorama – The Savile Investigation

I watched the Panorama documentary last night feeling quite sick every time Jimmy Savile was shown touching or messing around with young girls. The culture of the BBC was also exposed to be a blind eye turning, predominantly still sexist, … Continue reading

Who else was in Jimmy Saville’s gang?

As the Criminal Investigation continues and more accusations come in, Police are now focussing on people around Jimmy Saville, still living, who have been implicated in some of the sexual assault reports. These include Saville’s colleagues and friends from BBC … Continue reading